Microsites and Rollouts

Localise the web with information-specific microsites or rollouts

We strategise to deliver progressive penetration with microsites for your specific products and then further localise it with rollouts to your prospects. Microsites are known to increase the quality of your website traffic generation leads with measurable results. We can design and develop a microsite that is a spinoff of your website – based on variables such as: buyer behaviour patterns, marketing style and performance of past rollouts. This will give you tangible ROI, more visibility and essentially can help to convert “maybes” into buying clients.

What IS a microsite?

A microsite is a website specific to a product or information and is used as a tool to drive targeted traffic to create brand awareness without changing your company’s main website. You could compare the use of a microsite to be much the same as a TV series that is based on a movie. The movie is the MAIN PICTURE, yet the series is used to attract viewers to watch the movie.

In essence, a microsite is an extension to a parent website providing information and support. An added benefit of having a microsite is that search engines love them for their concentration on a particular subject. To top it off, a microsite can be rolled out in many languages, while keeping the brand intact on a lower cost. A search engine optimisation on your microsite will create an offshoot of longtail keywords in blogs, video messaging or articles as it achieves higher ranking on major search engines.

Microsites work to:

  • Capture traffic searching for information, product or brand which may subsequently be directed to the main website.
  • Generate action – users looking for specific information will be satisfied with what they find.

What IS a rollout?

A rollout is a copy of a website that is localised for the native country and language of origination. If you want to reach people from other countries – in many languages – then a microsites are rolled out either with multi-lingual scripting or static site where the main site are untouched. As an example – let’s suggest you build a main website featuring a catalogue of products available to your customers. The rollout site can be implemented for ONE special product to highlight a new release, new product development or new features of the main site. It helps to build traffic and create awareness, creating more business along the way.

Bring value to your business today – use the ring back form on the right to learn more about the power of a microsites or the importance of rollouts today!